Dhanesh Neela Mana

Grokking Simplicity (Notes)

A few weeks ago, I finsihed reading the book Grokking Simplicity. It is a very good read for anyone who wants to get a better grasp on functional programming, with out going too much in to low level details. Here are some notes I have from the book.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6 (Immutability)

Chapter 7 (Staying immutable with untrusted code)

Chapter 8 (Stratified Design Part 1)

Chapter 9 (Stratified Design Part 2)

Chapter 10 (First class functions : Part1)

Chapter 11 (First class functions part2)

Chapter 12 (Functional Iteration)

Chapter 13 (Chaining functional tools)

Chapter 14 (Functional tools for nested data)

Chapter 15 (Isolating timelines)

Chapter 16 & 17 (Sharing resources between time lines & Coordinating time lines).

Key words: Share Resources, Queues, Concurrency primitives

“In JavaScript, the time model is quite simple:

Sequential statements execute in sequential order. _ Steps in two different timelines can occur in left-first or right-first order. _ Asynchronous events are called in new timelines. * An action is executed as many times as you call it.**”

Chapter 18 (Reactive and Onion Architecture)

Key words: Onion Architecture, Reactive Architecture, Common Mutable State, Interaction Layer.

Chapter 19 (The functional journey ahead)